easternunit100-ColorGradingHUDInfo icon


Displays the information on top of your teammates head with color grading depending on their values. This also makes it so the hud will change size depending on how far you are from your teammates.

Last updated a year ago
Total downloads 4081
Total rating 3 
Categories Client Mods
Dependency string easternunit100-ColorGradingHUDInfo-0.0.4
Dependants 3 other packages depend on this package



Ver 0.0.4

- Added Opacity focus.
- Added ammo counter on placed sentries.
- Sentry locator icon's color will be dependent on the player's color.
- Added the locator beacon for teammate's placed sentries.

Ver 0.0.3

- Underlined teammate's health bar for distinctive purposes.
- Deployed sentry guns will now show the ammo count on top of teammats' heads.

Ver 0.0.2

- Made it so when a teammate's sentry is deployed it will be color graded gray.
- The hud will now consistently update so it does not stay behind.

Ver 0.0.1

- Initial release


- Place `CCHudInfo.dll` into the `BepInEx\plugins` folder.
- Unzipping the zip into your game folder should work as well.