Datlad11-DepthDown_V2 icon

DepthDown V2

This is DepthDown, it's a difficult rundown that is still being worked on and updated frequently but provides a fun challenging experience.

Last updated 6 months ago
Total downloads 3090
Total rating 3 
Categories Rundowns
Dependency string Datlad11-DepthDown_V2-0.0.41
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

EEC-EEC_I-1.7.8 icon

Add lot more flexibility for designing your own Enemy. Designed for Rundown Developers - aka ExtraEnemyCustomization [Version 1.x]

Preferred version: 1.7.8
Untilted-LightsAdjustment-1.1.2 icon

For those who are annoyed by flashlight movement and lights

Preferred version: 1.1.2
Flowaria-LGTuner-0.99999.3 icon

Fine tune your LevelGeneration! [Early Access 2]

Preferred version: 0.99999.3
Dex-Tweaker-1.9.1 icon

Extra features for rundowns

Preferred version: 1.9.1
Inas07-ExtraChainedPuzzleCustomization-1.4.0 icon

Customize your security scan

Preferred version: 1.4.0
dakkhuza-MTFO-4.5.1 icon

The premier in GTFO DataBlock editing ;^)

Preferred version: 4.5.1
BepInEx-BepInExPack_GTFO-3.2.1 icon

BepInEx pack for GTFO. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 3.2.1
Flowaria-FlowGeos-0.8.5 icon

Sets of custom tile for your rundown!

Preferred version: 0.8.5


Greetings, this GTFO mod aims to make levels that incorperate interesting gameplay and scenarious that are unavailable in the vanilia game. This mod also contains difficulty increases to areas of the game that at times could be too easy such as stealthing and lack of challenge at the apex of the mission. As a result of these difficulty increases, prisoners are expected to have prior experience with the complex and it's variety of inhabitants. The complex in question has suffered a major outbreak due to unprepared containment procedures. Due to this mass outbreak, the levels of the complex have increased biohazard warnings as well as a variety of breached areas all of which being more deadlier as you go deeper in order to sustain the complex until it is safe to resecure.

This modded rundown becomes more custom the further down you go. Do keep in mind that certain levels may still need balancing, to help with this you could provide feedback directly or share recordings of you playing a given level as that will help me balance the mod and make it more enjoyable for all.


Version 0.0.41

.Added fog repeller placements to A3 main .Made A3's overload exclusive fog less potent .Added disinfection supplies to zone_2822 .Added a weapon overhaul .Added additional ammo to B1 extreme

Version 0.0.40

.Made adjustments to B1 Extreme .Reduced tool refill in A2

Version 0.0.39

.Changed wave comp for A4 overload