Datlad11-DepthDown icon


This is a mod being worked on but serves as a extension to R6

Last updated 2 years ago
Total downloads 1254
Total rating 0 
Categories Rundowns
Dependency string Datlad11-DepthDown-0.1.4
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_GTFO-1.7.0 icon

BepInEx pack for GTFO. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 1.7.0
dakkhuza-MTFO-4.3.5 icon

The premier in GTFO DataBlock editing :^)

Preferred version: 4.3.5
EEC-ExtraEnemyCustomization-0.8.1 icon

Add more flexibility for designing your own emeny, For Rundown Devs. (Currently In Beta)

Preferred version: 0.8.1
Dex-Tweaker-1.8.0 icon

Extra features for rundowns

Preferred version: 1.8.0



version 0.0.1 .added the rundown itself to the world.

version 0.0.2 .fixed chargers doing 4x damage .added A1 extreme objective .buffed the bat .changed objective text to be more story related .balenced shooter and striker damage outputs .buffed scouts atk damage .added logs to terminals

version 0.0.3 .added A2 .nerfed chargers to make them more like glass cannons .decreased charger scout's HP .completly remapped A1 .changed a few security doors in A1 .fixed softlock in A1

version 0.0.4 .reworked A2 as a whole .removed stamina

version 0.0.5 .changed the affects of the disable life support command on A2 .reworked a alarm in A2

version 0.0.6 .changed the zone numbers .added logs to terminals in A2

version 0.0.7 .changed A1 rundown text .changed A2 rundown text .changed rundown info text

version 0.0.8 reclassified an alarm in A1

version 0.0.9 .added A3

version 0.1.0 .changed an alarm in A3 .removed bosses from the hisec alarm

version 0.1.1 .removed birthers in A3 .changed hisec alarm enemy types in A3 .added rundown text for A3

version 0.1.2 .added extreme objective to A2 .added extra lore in A2 .added additional spawn groups to survival population

version 0.1.3 .changed A2's objective spawning .added extra enemies to A2 extreme sector .added alarms to A2 extreme sector